So whilst you were all reading and hopping through the gems blog hop this was us. Mostly sunny but the heavens did open with torrential rain just as we were about to leave the church, it just added to the event. It was an amazing day. Met lots of amazing people, friends of Bob and Rhiannon, caught up with family not seen for a while, and lastly but not least joined a new family of delightful people too.
A few pictures today and probably one more post about this event next weekend. Then it will be back to the usual service a week today. Travelling southern England and London this week! Back in Yorkshire on Friday.
This was the start of the day. 10 of us all getting ready in a tiny 2 bedroom cottage with one bathroom! Then out to the pub car park for the bus. The bus was built in 1948, It was a novelty for about 10 mins as it struggled up the hills in a very noisy second gear! It would never have managed the hills up 'our way!'
However the bus was used in the filming of The Shawshank Redemption. So we were told!
There are no pictures of anyone coming out of the church as the rain was torrential, this is the first picture of the married couple as they stayed in the Roller out of the rain enjoying a glass of fizz when they arrived at the reception whilst everyone else arrived. The heels of my shoes are destroyed as I kept sinking into the grass.
I think Robert must have just winked at me as I took the photo. ha ha
We travelled from Church to reception in a 1952 Bentley driven by Rhiannon's father. A friend of his had lent it to him for the occasion, he loved the challenge of driving it. Such a beautiful car, so luxurious sat in the back. I felt quite royal.
The next five pictures where taken by my 11 year old cousin whom I let loose with my camera to take pictures others wouldn't take. She did a brilliant job. Well done Ellie.

This picture shows one of the tables in the marquee. There were 5 of them, each long table was split into three. The names of each table are called after the Nidderdale old system of counting sheep... a link to Yorkshire. We were impressed. The marquee smelt of lavender and eucalyptus which was hanging in bunches across the back of the tent, along the trestle tables and wrapped around the hoops hanging from the roof, but more of those next time.
So at last I officially have a 'pink' one in the family. She is so lovely, bubbly, full of fun, kind and caring. I am one very proud Mummy.